Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Month in Review and recap of Discovery Cove.

Hard to believe a month has passed. So much water under the bridge, missing my family and friends and regular connections, but know that this is a unique opportunity for us and appreciate all we have seen and done. We've stayed in about twelve campsites ranging from private camp "resorts" with full hookups to state parks -often more pretty but with fewer amenities, to highway rest areas and resort parking lots. Today we find ourselves at a semi-permanent trailer park after finding out the lovely state park up the road here near Tampa was full. We learn to flex. We're here because we had the times of our lives at Discovery Cove in Orlando (owned by Sea World/Busch Gardens) yesterday and one then has the option to go to any other of their parks within 14 days. Since we want to head up the West Coast a little further to see manatees in the Springs, we chose to come back out to the coast and go to Busch Gardens tomorrow.
The weather has been unseasonably chilly everywhere we've been but we know we can't complain and are hoping for spring to show up everywhere soon. We have managed a few too many hours in FL sun w/out enough SPF, however.
Highlights have been previously posted on blog but I'll run down in no partic order: DC sites, visit w/ Willie T. and family in snow in Richmond, VA, Magnolia Plantation in Charleston, all the great southern zone flora (the gardener in me is hankering for tropical climate), mounted shooting competition in Jax, kennedy Space Center, manatee rescue and wild dolphin sightings, Keys beaches and sunsets w/ Darren, Kathleen and Evan, and Doug, Anisa and family, listening to my kids play so well and creatively together for so much of the time, all the historica and descriptive markers in abundance for me to read and slow down my on-the -move family, the gators and awesome birds in Everglades, time w/ Joanne and Ash in Marco along w/ phenomenal Marriott pool, beach, spa..., visitng w/ old neighbor Sharon Eddy twice and seeing her home and family in Naples, and finally, the first day of March-Discovery Cove in Orlando.
The Yoders had raved about this place and we had considered it but it's pricey, so we decided against it for a more "natural " dolphin encounter. Well, as none are guaranteed unless you pay for them and prices are clsoe to Disc. Cove anyway, we decided to try it out.  Not a moment's regret. The day began in a lovely checkin building- only 1000 persons admitted for the day, meals, snacks included. Next a so-so breakfast buffet but then, the donning of wetsuits and snorkels and masks. What a funny sight. Hundreds of folks who woulsdn't normally be caught in a wetsuit, trotting around. It's required that guests wear full, short or vests for safety purposes -more buoyancy (nice teachable moments w/ that one) and visual (bright yellow backs) for lifeguards. Our first plunge was a wonderful warm foray into the winding river portion. The water was 78 degrees, I think, very comfy, and one is gently propelled with the current through lush and varied settings and water depths for about half an hour if you go slowly.
After that we ventured into the "Coral Reef" and snorkeled with a good  variety of tropical fish in a really naturalistic, colder, salt water pool. Some fish were huge! Another little surprise is that the pool had four varieties of large Rays which were comfortable to skim right next to us. Very, very cool. I LOVE snorkeling and still toy w/ the idea of scuba although I'm a cold water wmp, so I may wait and do "resort dives" if I ever have a chance.
Then I had a private horticulture tour, I tell you, these people are so accomodating, then our dolphin experience orientation.
We were broken into groups of ten and given two trainers and a speical dolphin friend to learn about. Note to self: full wetsuit in temps under 73. Brrrrrrrr. As there were other encounters for other groups there were a bunch of other dolphins in the lagoon to also be watching. One little dolphin wanted to play and not attend so all of the others got distracted after a while, and we got extra time in the water. about 45 minutes more brrrbrrrbrrr but worth it for the extra close time w/ dolphins and talk w/ trainers. We all had time to pat, touch, hug, kiss, and ask for behaviors and sounds of our dolphin "Yoko" a 14 year old female. The we swam as a group of four, Isaac, Jonah, Elena and I, out deeper with the trainer and Yoko followed us, waited for Isaac to hold her dorsal fin and flipper so she could pull him back to shore. He was soo brave. He yelled "This is awesome!" while they swam. Then  the rest of us got a tow. What joy. It was over too quickly. I'd love more one on one time somewhere becasue it seems surreal.
A dip in each of the other pools after a late lunch and we wandered over to the aviary. We had such a neat time in there feeding the variety of exotic birds who landed on us! (Aunt Jude, you've gotta come) Wish we had more time, but the park was closing soon and Jonah always fears we 'll get stuck places, so we hustled out after half an hour. We left all weary and content about ten hours after we arrived. It was the fastest day I can ever recall. We bought the ESB port of the day's potos
After manatees, we plan to spend the month of March in GA,TN, NC, KY,AL and part of LA before catching up in New Orleans w/ Rob, Aunt Judy and Uncle Ted for a music festival in early April. Had no idea we'd spend three weeks in Florida.
I love you all and miss talking and interacting daily with the rest of you folks who make my life worth living.


  1. ps Please excuse all of the typos and grammatical errorrs. Hard to do anyhting without distraction for more than ten minutes at a time, these days.

  2. Love the typos in my apology for typos.

  3. Sounds Great! i've never heard anything about Discovery Cove before, now I want to go. Do they have Plus size wet suits? What's ESB port of the day? So glad you are able to do all of these fun things. It was great to see you. Our lanai project has begun. A guy is here plastering the ceiling!

  4. Oh, tell Elena that I tried to figure out Farmville but stopped when it came up with information for me to buy seeds with my credit card. Oviously I did something wrong. I should have had her set it up for me here on my computer while she was here. I'll try again soon. What happened to Farmerlany?

  5. You guys sound like you are having the time of your lives, I'm so jealous but very happy for you. Did you swim with the dolphins in Discovery Cove?? Love following your journey,

  6. Wow...what a great and awesome dolphin experience...love the update Deryl. Looks like March will be an adventure..it's all an adventure!! Yesterday was the father daughter bake off and that was fun. My favorite BCA event!! Missing you!
